Google+ bakers and astronauts: The one where I get up and talk in front of 400 strangers

23 September 2010

The one where I get up and talk in front of 400 strangers

That was a lot of people, but it was an amazing experience.  And it showed me that I have the ability to get up and do that, which is eye opening for me.

The Pecha Kucha night was really fascinating - there were some amazing presentations.  I'm proud to have been a part of it.

Pecha Kucha nights are done all over the world, and I encourage you to at least go listen to some of the amazing stories people have to tell.  The big map of Pecha Kucha is right here.

I'm beginning to put my images here so that I can share them with you, along with my notes.  I hope to have that up very soon.

And thank you thank you thank you to the people who came out and listened!  It means a lot.


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!

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