Google+ bakers and astronauts: Back to School

25 April 2010

Back to School

Returning to the classroom after three weeks away is a strange feeling.  Especially when, during the third week, everyone else was there, and you were the only one gone.  I'm constructing a to do list for the week right now involving our inquiry, the classroom environment, and planning, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.  But in 30 minutes, when the children come through the door, I think things will fall back into place.

Do you ever feel in a rut?  Even the very best teachers must.  What is challenging you this week?


  1. The feeling of being gone (even for just a day) is weird. I can only agree (I am gone more often as I am the PYP coordinator and occasionally go off for this and that, but I also have my own class).

    I find my new unit of inquiry very challenging. The central idea is "The use of film allows us to share and enjoy our creativity" and the focus is on communication (subjectivity, and review). Doing this with 8-9 year-olds is quite a challenge.
    Add to that a stuffy nose (how annoying!) and we have my day :)

    I miss reading your posts, I hope your masters is going okay!

  2. I've been in a rut with blogging! It's such a weird thing -I hear from people all around the world, but it appears very few people I know, parents, teachers I work with, actually look at it. At least when I put my documentation up in my classroom, I saw some people looking at it. Yet, I enjoy the writing and LOVE these new colleagues I've found.


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!

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