Google+ bakers and astronauts: ABC With Imagination Giveaway

05 May 2009

ABC With Imagination Giveaway

I'm so excited to be teaming up with Morgane from little circus to bring you this giveaway!

ABC With Imagination is a set of foam shapes designed by Bruno Munari that are meant to be used to experiment and explore shapes and lines. Children can use them to create letters, or simply designs.

It is essential to honor everyone's learning style in the classroom, and I like this material for my students who really need an alternate route to understanding letters. Before I bought my set, I had one student in mind. She has made progress over the course of the year with fine motor skills, but she was not writing letters -- not even her name or the letter it began with. Understanding that she always gravitates towards activities with sensory elements, We created a sandpaper name card for her and offered fingerpainting activities with letters nearby to inspire her. The ABC With Imagination set allows children to use their body to create letters -- big, bold shapes that they can connect to. She set to work soon after it was on the table and proudly made a K.

I have to say I find them lovely as a design tool, whether you are making letters or not. Another group of girls made a long snaking line across a table.

So! To be in the running to recieve this wonderful item from little circus, please comment on this post between now and Sunday, May 10th, at midnight (Belgian time!). Don't forget to leave some contact information! All of the names will go into a good old fashioned hat, and we'll find a winner that way. It will be announced on Monday, May 11th.

Good luck, happy commenting!


  1. This sounds great! We usually do letter shapes with fabric scraps on the floor, that was all I came up with until now.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. oh, lovely!
    those look like something i'd love to have in my classroom... especially during the summertime when i'm an art teacher!
    thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  3. Ha! This is so tempting...

  4. Wonderful! My 2.5yr old is fascinated with numbers, letters and puzzles at the moment

  5. Anonymous6.5.09

    I have never heard of this product until now - very cool! I can see why it's so great to have - an awesome open-ended activity that can serve to cater to sooo many different uses! Thanks for sharing this with all of us!

  6. Hello
    je suis ici suite à l'info de Little Circus !
    Ce jeu me fait penser à des mosaïcs en bois que ma grande fille a eu...
    Mais on ne pouvait pas faire de lettres !

  7. Marie-Astrid7.5.09

    Après un petit tour chez le joli Little Circus, je tente ma chance pour gagner ce jeu résolument créatif et original !!

  8. Anonymous7.5.09

    Moi aussi je viens de little circus.... Je suis aussi institutrice et maman et j'aimerais tant que ce type d'activité soit plus utilisé dans nos classes! Vive la créativité!!!!!

  9. je viens de chez little circus, jolies découvertes chez toi!!!
    alors je participe à votre jeu, ça me fait bien envie!!

  10. Je découvre ton blog grâce à Little Circus. Vraiment passionnant. Merci !

  11. Bonjour, je découvre également votre joli blog via le post chez Little Circus. Je tente ma chance pour ce joli jeux très créatif.

  12. Hi girl,
    I coincidentally discovered your flickr and found out you're from Brussels! I'm from Belgium myself (Leuven) but my French is far from perfect so I decided to comment you in English :] I just wanted to say I really admire your photography, 'snow in Paris' is one of my favourite images. Keep up the good work!

  13. Hello from California! Cam just introduced me to your blog this morning—what a timely find. I am new to blogging and the concept of online communities, but I love it so far. Your blog will be a great resource for playing with and teaching our little one. These foam shapes remind me of blocks I had in kindergarten, they were rainbow colored and wooden, but similar shapes. I loved to make mandalas from them.

  14. I just discovered your blog - I have just started trying to do preschool at home for my 4 year old. I'd love to have these.

  15. Love these! Love your blog in general. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway!

  16. Bonsoir,

    Nous avons le plaisir de vous découvrir grâce à Little Circus.

    Nous adorons le jeu sous toutes ses formes : imitation, coopératif, stratégie, construction... Nous passons beaucoup de temps pour éveiller nos trois enfants par le jeu.

    Bravo pour votre créativité ; nous repassons par la case départ, juste pour le plaisir de vous lire.
    Ludiquement vôtre =)

  17. johanna7.5.09

    i love bruno munari! what a wonderful open-ended way to introduce pre-literacy symbols and transition to writing.

  18. I loved seeing these shapes on the light table. Our light table is new this year and I'm constantly noticing new items to add. Shape are always fun to put together everywhere.

  19. Anonymous8.5.09 4 year old niece is working on her letters now. I'd love to give this to her!!

  20. Anonymous8.5.09

    PS: my contact info is: sunnysblog - at - gmail - dot - com

  21. Voilà un jeu qui plairait bien à ma petite artiste de 6 ans... Allez, je tente ma chance pour le tirage au sort. Merci à Mo" de Little Circus pour l'info !!! Et puis je fais une bien jolie découverte en débarquant ici ! ;o)))

  22. je viens aussi, via little circus, tenter ma chance! et continuer la lecture de ce blog.
    A bientôt!

  23. Anonymous10.5.09

    aww, what an excellent item!


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