via Mark Weaver on Vine
"Lego Vines is a stop motion art project using Lego bricks and Vine."
Videos like this can be a prompt for conversation and exploration with children. This particular video could prompt a group of lego lovers to dig deeper into that medium. There are also interesting possibilities here to talk about pattern, color, and sound!
In Context
- Show this, or one of the other Lego Vines, to children. What comes up in conversation? What do they wonder about?
- Find or make a flip book, and explore those with children, encouraging them to make their own.
- Bring your research with them all the way back to the phenakistoscope! Think about your local resources - is there a film museum that might have one? Make one as a class!
- Think about claymation, and share a few simple clips as examples. If the children are used to using digital cameras, work together on an example and then set up a camera, tripod, and clay for them to create their own.
- Are the legos an engaging part of this exploration for them? Set up the tripod and camera with the focus on lego building. Encourage children to create a storyboard and plan out their film.
- Think about other blocks to use in a Vine or stop motion animation film. Can the children plan one with unit blocks?
- Use people in stop motion animation!
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