20 July 2012

Weekend Links

I love the idea of using these 100 prompts in a sketchbook.  As people who are trying to foster creativity in children, perhaps we need our own dose of it!  I bought a new sketchbook when we moved in April, and it has been just sadly sitting.  Maybe some prompts would be the right kickstart!  The 100 ideas come from the always inspiring Keri Smith.

(the lone sketch in my book: a couch.)

I loved seeing this post about Dara, an African Math game.  It is explained here, too : it seems like a twist on checkers, and it would be fun indoors on paper or outdoors with chalk.

Oh, Sully is a children's book by a textile artist in California that was recently funded through Kickstarter.  I read about it through The Artful Parent.  I love seeing textiles used in illustrations (like one of my favorite illustrators, Beatrice Alemagna), and I'm looking forward to seeing this book in "real life"!

And while thinking about Beatrice Alemagna and textiles this week, I came across a website built as a collection of her illustrations.  With the nature of my work I always have gardening on the brain, and I loved this image.  And besides that, the site is a wonderful collection of her work.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I have the same desire to sketch and be inspired! I registered for The Sketchbook Project, in hopes of practicing what I preach :) . . .love all the links, Allie.


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