23 July 2012

Thinking about BC

I am halfway through my summer programming, and in mid-August, I'll have one week off.  I'm beginning to plan a one-night trip to Vancouver, BC, and some surrounding towns to visit some inspiring early childhood spaces.

Urban Source is an alternative art material shop that functions a bit in the style of ReMida.  They use recycled materials from different local industries, find innovative uses for the materials, and they work most often with artists and educators.  I have been to the ReMida in Reggio Emilia, but have not had the opportunity to see a North American version.

I have to go to The Wonder of Learning exhibit: it will be in Vancouver until December.  I had the opportunity to interact in the Ray of Light Atelier in Reggio Emilia in 2009, but The Wonder of Learning exhibit is much more than just that.

I just learned about Little Treasures, a shop that sells "beautiful and creative materials for children".  Looking at their photos, it almost seems like a vintage or second hand shop geared towards creation and dramatic play, and I love that concept!  I know I'll find myself wanting to buy some things that I know I'll want for the future, but don't need for the nature of my current work!  I'm really looking forward to that stop.

I don't think that a trip to Vancouver would be complete without going to Collage Collage.  I read about it a few years back, while still in Brussels, and the space seems to have evolved since the first time I saw images.  It looks beautiful, and like a place that a child would love to be.

I'm in a bit of a plan-making stage in my career as an educator, and I hope that Vancouver will be the first of many little visits I make in the next year, taking in some inspiring spaces and getting the focus of my own work clearer.  Are you in the Vancouver area?  Should we have a coffee?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23.7.12

    I am from Vancouver. Collage Collage is awesome! Dilly Dally Kids is an awesome toy store on Commercial drive. Tons of wood toys! I get a lot of stuff for my classroom there. Hope you have a great time here.


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