13 July 2012

Weekend Links

I am a pretty firm believer that sparklers don't need to be reserved for the Fourth of July.  Sparklers are just good summertime practice!  I like the idea of using them for light painting.  There were a few links shared on Apartment Therapy earlier this month that might lead you to create some amazing photos!

Way back in January, I posted about Light Painting on the Turtlewings blog.  And while you're over there, take a look at their beautiful new website, and read about all the amazing projects that are happening!

I am interested in this project happening in Chicago: Every Art, Every Child.  Their focus is on putting art at the center of education at all ages.  Their website is worth a a browse.  You can also take a look at their blog and their facebook page - I'll definitely be following news from them.

found via Alison Coombs - thanks!

There is a nice post about making a sewn summer journal at Made.  I have a well documented obsession with children and sketchbooks, and I have yet to make sewn books with kids.  Has anyone tried?  Any tips?  I can envision the children at camp sewing up some nature sketchbooks!


Lastly, I mentioned that I am waiting for Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer from the library in town. I'm interested in having a book club/read along with some other educators - it would be great to have people to discuss it with who see it from the same perspective!  I'm thinking that we could start reading it together around August 1st.  Let me know in the comments if you are interested, and please pass the invite along!

Happy Weekend!


  1. Anonymous13.7.12

    I am early childhood educator in California. I have the book on hold at my library and hope to start reading it by the end of July. I would love to join the discussion.

  2. I would definitely be interested! . . .ordering it on amazon :)

  3. by the way, I forwarded Every Art, Every Child onto my fellow art education colleagues who were very receptive to and energized by it! exciting stuff :)


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!