16 July 2012

Summer Book Club

On Friday, I mentioned that I was getting ready to read Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer, and when I proposed a little "virtual book club", there was some interest expressed here and on the facebook page, too.  So, let's do it!

I'll admit that I'm being a little selfish when I say that I have a few books I'm hoping to read before beginning to read Lehrer's book, but spreading the word is also motivation - we can make our group a bit larger and stimulate some exciting conversation and discussion.

I'm hoping that the group is made up of people with an interest in education, so that we are able to frame our discussion around teaching and learning with children.  I think this blog will serve us well as a discussion forum - I'll post prompts and we can discuss using comments.

Your job?  Get your hands on the book by August 1st, and we'll spend a few weeks reading.  The chapters are about 30 pages long, so I'll prompt new discussion every few days.

If you haven't said so yet, let me know if you are interested in participating!  It would be wonderful to have a good sized group for discussion, and I think this is a great way to prepare for a new school year.


  1. I have read the book (a couple months ago) and I am an elementary art educator in a public school. I would LOVE to be involved in the discussions! What format?

  2. I am ready! And like the idea of using the blog as the posting format.

  3. Fantastic! I think we'll be using the blog here, and if that does not work, we'll find another format. As long as everyone really reads the comments, this should be fine!

    I'm glad to see people joining in!

  4. I'm in pre-k art ed, and I'd love to join this discussion. Looking forward to it!

  5. Did you see him on Charlie Rose talking about this book and more....not sure I can join the group, but will try. Love Jonah Leher....have been following him quite some time on his blog and in many articles, books. I think it's fascinating how many early educators relate to his ideas and research. :) Love it! And, I have love B&A for a long time....you were one of the first blogs that I found really inspiring! :) You can check out the program I work with/for on Facebook (click my page and our program's page is listed too) or our website www.betterkidcare.psu.edu


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!