23 September 2011

weekend links

Here are some things that I've enjoyed this week that you might enjoy thinking about this weekend!

Stop yourself next time you want to tell a child to "just use one":

The blog from the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art.  This is a place I need to go.  And we need to put a pasta machine near the makers space.

This archived article from ECRP about the importance of pretend play for cognitive development.

Maurice Sendak on Fresh Air, talking about his new book, BUMBLE-ARDY, and about his life.

And an excellent TED talk about doodling, creativity, and learning (and my new favorite term, "visual literacy").

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allie! I'm one of the authors of the Studio Blog at The Eric Carle Museum. Thanks for posting a link to it. I've not seen your blog before today, but I LOVE it, have already Pinned from it, and will be back regularly!
    Here's to shared inspiration and provocation!


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