22 September 2011

a space for writing and play

Its almost silly how beautiful this room is.  Look out the window, and you see Young's Bay, Saddle Mountain and the rest of the Oregon Coast Range, bridges, fishing boats, Coast Guard Helicopters - those are some exciting windows.  I'd like to figure out how we can get the kids up to window level so that they can see a bit more.  Stepstools?  Crates?  Giant blocks?

I don't think I've gone without a place for writing and drawing in the classroom in six years.  Once I made it part of the environment, I never dismissed it.  It can be an amazing gathering place - especially in a mixed age grouping like this one.

There is more to do to make this as inviting as it can be, but including a place for the to share the children's work is important.  Hopefully this radiator cover will become that place for sharing.  It is at the children's level, so they will be able to put things up and take them down.  But for now, we're getting into the routine of using this as a writing and drawing space :  the children go and get the materials they need (a variety of papers, writing tools, tape, glue, and the hot item of the moment, scissors) and they bring them to the table to write and draw and create - whatever they please.  I sometimes forget that getting children into the routine of choosing for themselves and getting the items that they need takes a bit of time at the start.  But we're definitely getting used to it.  I'm really missing those black felt tip pens that we were up to our ears in at my last school!  But the space comes together, little by little, and the more I watch and listen, the more I notice what we could add to promote writing. The right materials for will encourage writing through exploration.

For now, we're cutting up a storm!


  1. Hey Allie!
    How are you? So wish we could keep our amazing convos from last year? Perhaps skype? But, for your "view" question. What about a large low table like stage? A half circle would be awesome! Surely there is a handy parent in Portland that can build one! You can also use it with pillows for your writing area!

  2. I love the idea of displaying the kids' work near the writing area/table. You could probably display the kids' work on the radiator cover using magnets. I am assuming it is made of metal.
    You are right about it being a beautiful room!

  3. Wow, I want to see the view out your windows! I was thinking of a bench to get the children up to window-level. It looks like there's a little ledge there on the windowsill - it would be neat if they could do some drawing and writing at that level. But a bench would require either a big budget or someone very handy and industrious. Happy writing, it looks beautiful!

  4. Does the room already have a loft? Wouldn't the windows be a wonderful place to climb up into a loft and look out the window? I would be waiting for someone to tell me it was a safety hazard to clip papers to the radiator cover. But I suppose the heat hasn't come on yet!

  5. Thanks for the input on our view! I'm thinking about some options. Ideally we can make a space that is elevated and where children can work - draw, write, play - and enjoy looking out those windows. We'll have to see what is possible! I have visions of kids elevated up with clipboards and cameras, documenting the goings-on out the window all day. How many boats? How many times does the drawbridge open? What do those huge ships have on them?

    I was just talking to another teacher about the radiator cover because I made some magnets for that space today (thanks, Danielle!). We may have to shift our thinking come winter, but its still warm on the Oregon coast, so we probably have a few more weeks of sharing writing there.


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!