14 January 2013

Introducing "In Context"

When I began blogging in 2008, everything that I found interesting, I would share on my blog.  Much of my sharing had to do with what was happening in my classroom, rather than what was happening in other places.  The internet has become a much more social place since then.

Now, almost five years later, I have a myriad of ways to share:  facebook and pinterest currently get more of my attention than this space.  I have become a bit disenchanted with the shift to more surface-level sharing that has happened since I began using this space, and I hope that In Context will help to change that.

In Context strives to take inspiring information and propose ways that it might be used in your context.  Perhaps you are an early childhood educator or administrator; a homeschooling or unschooling parent; or maybe a nanny.  No matter what your work with young children involves, brainstorming is priceless.  I miss the days of sitting in Wednesday afternoon meetings with colleagues, bouncing ideas off of each other.  An image of a child or a work of art or a sound clip can start the creative juices flowing, and In Context is designed to get your wheels turning.

When I share information about something happening in another classroom, an article about child development, or a photo, I will make a short list of ways to use the information in context, and you will be able to better extend the information I've shared.  I encourage you to use the comments to extend the conversation even further, sharing additional ideas and resources.

Come back tomorrow for the first post featuring In Context!

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