05 October 2012

Weekend Links : Seeds

Seed is a project in New Mexico "inspired by the beginning of everything".  Seeds are absolutely fascinating to me, and I have seen some real delight on children's faces when they see those first leaves pop out of the ground where they planted a seed!

The theme for this year is seed to food, and my mind is buzzing with all of the possibilities there are for a project in there!  If you are in/around Taos in October, this seems like a wonderful place to visit.

As I was starting to plan seed saving activities for the kids I work with in the gardens, Alison sent over a link to a seed saving workshop for children in Paris.  I have a lot to learn about wet seed saving, but I loved the handmade envelopes, drawings, and writing that was included in this project.

Have you saved seeds before?  Have you collected seeds with children and planted them later?  I'm excited to explore this in the fall and then pull out our seed packets in the spring!

Finally, a lovely little art extension of seed saving might be these hand stitched seed packets, shared over at Kleas.  I'm a big fan of sewing with kids, and even if it was just on one side of a packet, this might help deepen a child's engagement with the seed saving process.

Will you try to save some seeds?  For a wonderful resource, check out the Seed Saver's Exchange, where there are dozens of resources on how to save seeds from your plants!

Happy Weekend!

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