27 July 2012

Weekend Links

This exhibit at MOMA looks fantastic, so if you are a New Yorker, I think its a must-see.  There is a collaboration happening with Pop Up Adventure Play on August 10th, bringing open-ended exploratory play into one of the most famous spaces in the world.  I would love to see that!

Also at MOMA is Ecstatic Alphabets / Heaps of Language.  I've been on a bit of a kick thinking about exploring literacy in less traditional ways, and I love some of the images I'm seeing here.

I'm inspired by the Dial-A-Poem portion of the exhibit, too - dont you think that is something that could be incorporated into a school setting, with children recording their stories and somehow making them accessible to families, or as a choice in the classroom?

I came across Learning Materials Workshop this week, which has a blog, but the big star for me is all the gorgeous materials that Karen, the artist and owner, has in her shop.  Her materials are Reggio inspired, and she also distributes books published by Reggio Children.  Karen has also done some writing, including this piece on the history of educational toys.

A little reminder that next week will be the start of a read-along of Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer.  An introductory post will be up on Wednesday, and we're planning to read a chapter every few days.  If you've read it before or not, I hope you'll join us!  You're also welcome to join in the conversation in the comments - that's where all the action will be!

Happy Weekend!

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