14 March 2012

The perfect illustration

My brain was flying in all directions when I watched this video, via npr.

Educationally, this video makes a clear case for:

  • Project-based education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Inquiry-based education
  • tinkering
  • exploration
  • open-ended materials
  • spending less of an educational budget on kits and worksheets
  • upcycling
  • the valuable role of adult facilitation
  • why adults should support children instead of doing things for them
  • why its never too early to try some science experiments

Go ahead, add to the list!


  1. This is awesome! Just like our engineer says! Love this! Thank you for sharing this link. Why oh why can't most students experience learning like this?

  2. This made me very happy! Thanks for the link and for pointing out the value of experiences like this. I'm going to point my readers to this too.


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!