10 February 2012

Weekend Links

My week started with this impression of Christopher Walken reading Where the Wild Things Are.  I loved it.

I came across an online journal through the University of British Columbia:  Educational Insights.  I'm looking forward to reading a few of the pieces.  The current issue is on Critical Teacher Inquiry.

We're starting a unit on Developmental Discipline in my Master's coursework, and its turning out to be pretty interesting stuff.  I can see the appeal for teachers who follow a constructivist philosophy because it is not about making the children comply, but it takes the stance of compassion and finding out what children need.  I'm reading Learning to Trust by Marilyn Watson...has anyone else worked with Developmental Discipline?  I found an online resource here that covers the basics.

Finally, we are crazy for Anansi the Spider at school - we have read the book three times this week, and there is always someone in the book area reading it aloud to themselves.  I know there are more Anansi stories at my local library, and I'm looking forward to brainstorming some new extensions for these stories over the weekend!

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Allie thanks for the links. I am excited to learn about the book, Learning to Trust and reading your link to Developmental Discipline. I will be sharing the links with my colleagues. Good stuff!


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