I loved this video that Mariah of Playful Learning made from a favorite out of print book. The message of the book is great - I can imagine revisiting this book a few times a year. And since I can't physically have it, these talented kid readers can share!
I liked this post, Do You Care? by Scott at Brick by Brick. I've just recently started reading Scott's blog, and something about this post jumped out at me. I think you'll like it, too.
It's cold out, so I'm in the mood for videos, and I was glad to come across a version of The Dot and the Line via Brainpickings. It's short and sweet, just like the book, and since I'm not much of a traditional valentine's day person, I love a good alternative love story!
A facebook friend led me to the Indiana Department of Education's 29 Day Web 2.0 Challenge. That's a mouthful, but I've added the site to my Google Reader, and I'm looking forward to learning about some new tools I can use as a teacher, and that students might be able to use, too.
This concept of spaces in spaces for early childhood centers is interesting - it seems so natural! When I saw the photo above, I thought of how my students would look and sound in this space, and I think it would be a perfect fit. There are many more images on the architecture of early childhood and links to more images and ideas about the concept.
Finally, you know you're curious about the ECE Dialogue we have going on! You can still join in over at the Dialogue's Wiggio page.
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