29 November 2011

It is time for the EduBlog awards, and nominating blogs means posting them right here, and I'm happy to share who I am nominating!  These are nominations for Best Teacher Blog:

My friend Anna over at atelierista is a constant source of inspiration, and this year's Tinkering focus at her school has me planning a move to Virginia so I can hang out with her everyday!

Marla is another Atelierista who shares children's words and work, as well as her own wisdom as an artist and teacher, at her blog, Marla McLean, Atelierista.

The ever-reflective and inspirational Miss Merrill, at Beyond the Classroom, is a big favorite of mine.  She teaches public Pre-K in New York and shares her ideas, inspirations, and classroom experiences on her excellent blog.

For the category of Best Class Blog, I have nominate the teachers at the Early Learning Center at Yokohama International School in Yokohama, Japan.  I came across their blog recently, and I love reading about the children's work and the reflections of the teachers.

Who are you nominating?  See the instructions on how to nominate right here.

1 comment:

  1. awww thanks for the shout out Allie :) I am also a new Yokohama ELC blog reader - I second that nomination - they are quite inspiring.


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