02 November 2011

a few things of late

I haven't been posting much, but I thought I would share some images from the classroom last week to bide the time!  The last picture is one of my favorite recent discoveries : paint mixing on a big piece of butcher paper, then drawing on the painting with sharpies.


  1. That last one is interesting. Was the painting hanging and children went up and started drawing spontaneously or was it a plan determined by the artist? I often have paintings hanging on the easel, sometimes for a day or two if we're not using the easel and I forget to send it home...but the paintings are never revisited and I've never encouraged revisiting.

    P.S. I gave you a sketchbook shout out on my blog because you were my sketchbook inspiration a few years ago :)

  2. We had been mixing colors on the butcher paper on the wall, and I was letting it dry; and then I put the dark sharpies there the next day instead of setting up individual easels. I wonder about bringing children's painting back, though, and giving them a new medium to work with on top of the paint? We'll definitely try that!


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