11 November 2011

Expectations, Power, and Facilitation

I'm noticing some trends in my posts.  I'm clearly thinking about power and engagement.  Those are things that are an umbrella over every moment I have as a teacher.

Last week, I talked about expectations.  We need to suspend those as much as possible.  We can have inklings or guesses or pictures in our heads, but we cannot be frustrated when children approach something differently than we do.  We're adults - we've been in training for decades, and we are creatures of habit.  Just the other day, I had put up the children's names next to a sign up sheet at the easels - we are embedding more name writing into out days, and signing up for popular activities is a way to make those marks.  One girl walked up to the list, dipped the paintbrush into the orange paint, and basically highlighted her name on the list of names that was thee as a reference.  Why not?  She saw her name and painted on it.  And in her mind, it is a valid way to show that she wants to paint.  Her name is literally covered in paint.

As teachers, we can have ultimate power if we want it.  Children also know how to get the power if they want it.  We all have our ways.  I have my agenda, and each child has their own as well.  Who am I to say that mine is better?

You can picture a room where children are doing whatever they want - jumping up and down on tables, painting on the floor - whatever.  The classic image is from Miss Nelson is Missing:

That is one extreme.  The other extreme is children being forced to do things that they are not interested in at all.  But most of what happens is somewhere in the middle - especially when it comes to preschool.  There is no one way for it to look.  I've never had two environments that were set up just the same; I've never dusted off last year's planner and put it all into action again; and I've never expected one group of children to be the same as another one.  Not only would that be boring, but it would make teaching monotonous and repetitive.  

I like that children paint in random places and have different funny names for the baby dolls and a million different stories to dictate.  But I also like the common things that children do on their own, without instruction from me.  Play dough with popsicle sticks always turns into a birthday cake, three-year-olds always draw people like tadpoles, and four-year-olds put more weight on the word "friend" than any other word they know at that point.  Our job is to connect with children and make decisions based on that, with the input of the children.  We can try to make all the decisions as teachers, but it is not going to work.  But we have to facilitate and stay sane.  The better we are at seeing and listening and adjusting and listening some more, the better the experience is for the children.  I am thinking about preschool, but this probably applies to education in general.

I do not claim to be an expert at this - I'm writing about it because it is a challenge.  We need to be able to work with children, not create a free-for-all.  There would be no point in school if kids just ran around.  That middle ground is my ultimate goal.  Children engaged in the things that interest them, and teachers facilitating that work to help build on it and make it deeper and more meaningful.  Some might call it the Project Approach, some might call is Reggio Inspired, some might call it unproductive.  Call it what you wish.  Engagement might be children in a forest Kindergarten, children conducting science experiments, painting planks of wood, or making bread.  All of those things are able to happen because adults facilitate them.  

I'll end this rambling with a quote from The Hundred Languages of Children that describes the curriculum of the early childhood centers in Reggio Emilia: 

 "The curriculum is not child centered or teacher directed.  The curriculum is child originated and teacher framed." - Forman and Fyfe

Everyone in a classroom plays an important role.  And if we're teachers because we want to provide positive experiences for young children, that is exactly what we should do - and we should try to make those positive experiences engaging, explorative, meaningful, and personal.


  1. Dear Allie

    Thank you for your post. I really enjoyed reading your thoughtful reflections and the way in which you are continually challenging yourself to think about what is experienced in your setting. Your reference to the Reggio Emilia Educational Project, is also pertinent in the early learning centre where I work.
    "The curriculum is not child centered or teacher directed. The curriculum is child originated and teacher framed." - Forman and Fyfe
    It is so useful to reconsider how the curriculum is constructed and how all participants are part of this democratic dialogue. I think that there several levels of collaboration in our early childhood centre, such as, between children, between teachers, between the children and teachers, between teachers and parents….all of which contribute towards the construction of the learning that takes places and communication about that learning. Collaboration is not a simple concept and to genuinely practice collaboration is challenging and yet so worthwhile. Reflection, reconstruction, interpretation and reinterpretation in collaboration with others is useful to guide us in our possible next steps with the children and to decide what to give value to.

    Thank you

  2. Dear Allie

    Thank you for your post. I really enjoyed reading your thoughtful reflections and the way in which you are continually challenging yourself to think about what is experienced in your setting. Your reference to the Reggio Emilia Educational Project, is also pertinent in the early learning centre where I work.
    "The curriculum is not child centered or teacher directed. The curriculum is child originated and teacher framed." - Forman and Fyfe
    It is so useful to reconsider how the curriculum is constructed and how all participants are part of this democratic dialogue. I think that there several levels of collaboration in our early childhood centre, such as, between children, between teachers, between the children and teachers, between teachers and parents….all of which contribute towards the construction of the learning that takes places and communication about that learning. Collaboration is not a simple concept and to genuinely practice collaboration is challenging and yet so worthwhile. Reflection, reconstruction, interpretation and reinterpretation in collaboration with others is useful to guide us in our possible next steps with the children and to decide what to give value to.

    Thank you

  3. The word "collaboration" really jumps out at me in your comment, Clair. While I was writing, I was feeling some frustration about how often I see the "easy way out" in early childhood education. It should be hard work to be a teacher, and maybe in order to shift our thinking, the word teacher isn't how we should frame it. I prefer to be on an equal level with children. I'm continually reframing my role to better understand them and the work that they do.

    Thanks so much for joining in!


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!