This will be my first presentation to such a (potentially) large group. I participated in a Pecha Kucha night in Brussels in 2010, but this is a different animal! You can read the little blurb about my presentation here.
I have waited to share this information because I have not been sure that I would be able to go financially. I have to get myself to Atlanta, put myself up, and pay a discounted conference entry fee. It is a bit of a stretch right now, but getting into the world of speaking and presenting is a place I have wanted to get to for a few years now. Its important to me that I go.
I am putting a paypal donate button at the bottom of this post, and also in the sidebar. I am asking that if you read this blog and you enjoy it, if you have found it helpful, interesting, or inspiring, you might donate a few dollars towards my trip.
The breakdown of my trip expenses look like this:
$298 : Flight from Seattle to Atlanta
$240 : Discounted entry to conference
$157 : 4 nights in a hostel in Atlanta
$100 : Food and Transportation in town
It is shocking how quickly something like this can add up, but all told, it will be about $800. My hope is that some readers will chip in! I'm trying to think of a free way to thank people who chip in, and I'll let you know what that might be. Your help will not go unnoticed.
I know that there are also people reading out there who do not approve of asking for money in such a public forum, and I'm sorry if this is not to your taste. There are times in life when money is short, and right now is a time like that for me; but this opportunity to meet, talk, share, and connect with other educators is too much to pass up.
I hope that if you are going to the conference, we get to meet! I am excited to present, but I am looking forward to connection opportunities also. So, please be in touch! If you have any questions about this, please email me.
congratulations! you should always inquire to see if there is some local grant money for this sort of thing. :)