language and literacy: books, talking, music, writing, reading aloud...
the different ways that storytelling looks
using natural and recycled materials in meaningful and purposeful ways
how do schools find the money that they need?
how do you balance the commercialism and materialism with the curriculum?
(I have a journal article on this that I have been itching to read!)
How do schools find their identity, and balance that with inspiration from other schools and curricula?
where do community building activities come into play in the preschool classroom?
Also, if you are in Northwest Oregon, I'd love to hear from you! I am hoping to visit classrooms and meet some more teachers (and early childhood education enthusiasts, no matter what your "job") and see some programs in the area.
Hi Allie, this is Merril of "Beyond the Classroom" and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions about international teaching? I just signed on with a recruitment agency and...well I'm just curious about this whole process. If you have some time to chat, my email is