Google+ bakers and astronauts: Making Over Math Class

20 May 2010

Making Over Math Class

This is a really nice TED talk about mathematical problem solving, and bringing the math back to the students rather than opening a textbook and solving the sample problems.  This may not be early childhood education per se, but this is where the children we teach will be in 10 to 12 years, right?

I'm inspired by this because many of us have conversations about child centered curriculum in which the end result is the child being a member of different communities.  The way that Dan Meyer talks, it sounds like there are teachers of older children who are invested in the same thing.

Dan Meyer also blogs here.


  1. Thank you for the resource! I loved this TED talk!

  2. Thank you for this! I was just talking with another preschool teacher about the pace of childhood. I sense that young children are more frenzied today and it bothers me...especially when Dan talks about "patient problem solving". I think one of my responsibilities is to somehow interest children in slowing down and I've been thinking a lot more about helping them to work with more be okay with problems unsolved or just questions in general.


Thanks so much for joining the conversation!

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