Google+ bakers and astronauts: paper, tape, black pen

04 December 2009

paper, tape, black pen

I watched this happen from start to finish - I was initially drawn to it because she was arranging and preparing her materials. It wasn't until the very end that she announced what it was: "An alien!" Her actions had so much intent - as if this was the vision she had in her head when she took the first piece of paper out of the basket.

J'ai regardé ce processus de début à la fin. La manière qu'elle a organisé les matériaux était très interessante. À la fin, elle a annoncé: "Une extra terrestre!" Peut-être elle avait une vision quand elle a commencé son travail avec la premiere feuille de papier.


  1. That's amazing. I once had a boy do a similar thing (except replace tape with a stapler) to make a dinosaur. It's really something when they start executing a vision, instead of just sitting down to scribble.

  2. I'm so glad you were able to capture the process. I love to see kids have an idea and accomplish it. I once watched a girl create the most elaborate creation from chenille stems, paper, a marker, and tape.


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