I've visited 3 times. In 1999 for a general tour, in 2007 for an Atelierista study group, and 2 weeks ago for the Collaboration study group. Each time it has marked my life with tremendous self-reflection and growth. It also makes me even more passionate about advocating for young children and studio environments. Wishing you many great moments and inspirations upon return! Warmly, Marla Marla McLean, Atelierista http//:atelier.schoolwithinschool.org
I've visited 3 times. In 1999 for a general tour, in 2007 for an Atelierista study group, and 2 weeks ago for the Collaboration study group. Each time it has marked my life with tremendous self-reflection and growth. It also makes me even more passionate about advocating for young children and studio environments. Wishing you many great moments and inspirations upon return!
Marla McLean, Atelierista