Google+ bakers and astronauts: one page zine

29 July 2009

one page zine

This might be a nice way to change up our book making next year. I usually start with pre-made books (two half-A4 sheets, folded in half together and stapled) and then the children use their own versions of paper + staples after that. This is the same amount of paper and pages as our standard book. I've always thought about showing children new ways, but I've been pretty lazy about it.

The sequencing involved in making this one is interesting, too. I have to do it! No more laziness!

from Bloesem Kids


  1. When you are home next week I'll show you how to make them. I use them ALL the time with my kids as vocabulary books. Very easy to do once you get the hang of it :)

  2. we mostly varied our blank books by changing the covers! ;^)


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