Google+ bakers and astronauts: Threaded Leaves

21 October 2008

Threaded Leaves

I mentioned these before; I saw them over here a little while ago and I knew that they just had to be in the classroom. The children gathered the leaves and then we used a needle and thread to connect the ones we selected to hang.

Pardon the florescent lights -- I'm not sure who decided that classrooms should be lit with them, but we might make the switch to some lamps to make our environment more appealing.


  1. Anonymous21.10.08

    allie, i don't know if your school would allow it, but we criss-crossed christmas lights across our ceiling (the ones on white cords) and they really mellowed the light coming from the fluorescents.

  2. Anonymous23.10.08

    Ditto on the florescent lighting, I work in a library with that as our only source (and no windows). Been looking for ways to bring nature inside and this is a great one, thanks!

  3. oh, you did it! they looks beautiful.

  4. great fall decorations - how durable are they?

  5. We'll's fall break and we'll see what king of state they're in when we get back on Monday! They are definitely drying out...

    p.s. I owe you an email, my friend.

  6. oh these are excellent!


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